
30-Question Quiz for Maximizing Revenue in the Service Drive

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30-Question Quiz for Maximizing Revenue in the Service Drive As the chip shortage and inventory crisis continues to drag on, the service drive will likely be as critical to dealership success in 2022 as it was in 2021. Forward-facing dealers have looked to the service drive as an invaluable source of pre-owned acquisitions and customer retention opportunities, as well as a consistent source of revenue amid shortages. But as competition for buyers and buybacks grows even fiercer, dealers need to take a data-driven approach to mining their service drive for opportunities – along with putting the tools, people and processes in place to support that approach. Are you prepared to make the most of your service drive in 2022? Answer these 30 questions to find out and determine where to improve your efforts. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to service drive success, to begin benchmarking your current efforts, answer the following as it applies to your dealership: • How many service drive RO's are you doing per month? • How many people are needed to support selling in the drive? • What is your current market share? • What service conquest marketing are you doing today? Benchmark Your Efforts • Would your team know if there was a great sales prospect in the service drive? » How? What's their process for finding out? » Who's leading that team? » Who's in charge of identifying and converting those customers? • How much does your team know about that customer? » What tools or technology are you providing them to increase their knowledge and understanding of the customer? • What resources do they have to help structure the right offer and close the sale? » What kind of data are you currently collecting? » What kind of access does your team have to that data? • How is that customer data being applied to your sales and acquisitions processes? » Are the people working with that data properly trained to understand what they are looking at? Before making any changes to your dealership's service personnel and processes, you need a concrete understanding of the infrastructure you already have in place to identify the necessary adjustments needed to maximize service revenue. To audit your dealership's existing processes, ask: Analyze Your Current Processes

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