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22-P O I N T D E A L E R S H I P I N V E N T O R Y P R O F I T A B I L I T Y C H E C K L I S T In the fast-paced world of dealership management where success hinges on your ability to adapt and innovate, optimizing inventory profitability is more than just a goal—it's mission-critical. Ultimately, your dealership's financial health depends on the strategic management of your inventory. Staying ahead means dealers must adopt a proactive and data-driven approach to inventory management. This starts with a comprehensive assessment of your inventory, pricing strategies, marketing efforts, sales performance and data analytics. I N V E N T O RY A N A LY S I S Aging inventory ties up valuable resources and hampers cash flow, ultimately affecting your dealership's profitability. In a perfect world, dealers should aim to keep vehicles on the lot for no longer than 30-45 days. To assess your inventory: � Check the average age of your inventory. Analyze the percentage of vehicles older than 90 days to identify your greatest areas of opportunity. � Evaluate the ratio of new-to-used vehicles. Examine the distribution of new and used cars in your inventory to ensure a diverse, profitable product mix. � Review the mix of popular and slow-moving models. Identify which models are selling quickly and which are stagnating to prioritize your efforts. P R I C I N G S T R AT E G Y An effective pricing strategy is essential to maximize profitability in the competitive dealership market. A well-considered pricing strategy can boost customer interest and sales. This requires dealers: � Analyze your pricing strategy to ensure it aligns with current market dynamics and customer expectations. Compare your pricing to competitors in the local market. � Check for pricing inconsistencies to reduce customer confusion and build trust with buyers. Ensure that prices are consistent, accurate and up-to-date across all marketing channels and 3rd party listing sites.