
Dealership Sales Opportunities Cheat Sheet

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800.801.0018 | info@automotiveMastermind.com ©2024 automotiveMastermind ® . All rights reserved. | A business unit of S&P Global Mobility LEARN MORE automotiveMastermind.com Every dealership team is unique. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to proactively engaging customers, the most important element is that your staff has a strategic process in place to ensure the most critical customer groups receive outreach depending on your dealership's sales goals. Utilize the template below to identify an outreach schedule - examples may include: • Old age inventory customers • Customers who haven't serviced in over a year • Customers who bought out their lease • Customers who purchased a pre-owned car that could purchase a new car for about the same payment • High interest rate customers that could lower their rate MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY As the automotive retail industry continues to evolve, dealerships must adopt a holistic approach to identifying opportunities in their service, loyalty and conquest portfolios. Want to learn how Mastermind can help your dealership identify and engage future buyers? Request a demo.

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