
Dealership Checklist: Uniting Sales and Service Teams

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800.801.0018 | info@automotiveMastermind.com ©2024 automotiveMastermind ® . All rights reserved. | A business unit of S&P Global Mobility LEARN MORE automotiveMastermind.com 4. Make service drive sales part of every sales meeting. Developing a service-to-sales process isn't a "one-and-done" exercise. » Randomly review a few offer sheets, emails and phone calls each week. Look at the information about the customer and see if what your team is saying to them makes sense. • Bring a sample folder with leave behind printouts, word track and email templates. » Assess your process, including reviewing reports, to measure group and individual team member performance. Enabling teams to proactively identify and engage prospective service-to-sales customers before they return to market and integrating sales and service teams is key to maximizing sales success that begins in the service drive. By establishing clear roles, incentivizing service advisors, setting measurable goals and ensuring ongoing communication, dealers can deliver a seamless customer experience that drives both higher conversion rates and long-term loyalty. Want to learn how Mastermind can help your dealership's sales and service teams access insights that help convert repair orders into new sales? Request a demo.

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