
The Do’s and Don’ts of Service-to-Sales Phone Calls

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800.801.0018 | info@automotiveMastermind.com ©2024 automotiveMastermind ® . All rights reserved. | A business unit of S&P Global Mobility LEARN MORE automotiveMastermind.com The Do's of Service-to-Sales Phone Calls Know Your Customer Use customer data to understand their service history, preferences and behaviors. This information can help tailor the conversation to be more relevant and valuable to the customer. Personalize Offers and Messaging Craft offers that are specifically tailored to each customer based on their past interactions and preferences. Personalization helps demonstrate that your dealership values its customers and understands their unique needs. Build Long-term Loyalty Focus on building a long-term relationship rather than just making a quick sale. Show genuine interest in the customer's satisfaction and future needs. Example: "Hi [Customer's Name], this is [Your Name] over at [Dealership Name]. Did I catch you at a bad time? I see you're bringing in your [Car Model and Year] for service on [Service Date] and I wanted to call and introduce myself before you get here. I see that you are in for your [Service Type] and wanted to confirm: are you dropping off your vehicle, or will you be waiting here for the service to be completed? Great! Again, we truly appreciate your loyalty. I also noticed a few things reviewing your portfolio and was wondering if you would be opposed to having a quick discussion when you get here about the future of your vehicle ownership? We have some personalized options that I think you'll find interesting." Purposeful Engagement: The call has a clear purpose, confirming service details and setting the stage for a meaningful conversation. Data-Driven: The use of customer data to personalize the conversation shows that the dealership values the customer's time and business. Relationship Building: The call aims to build a relationship rather than just push a sale, fostering loyalty and trust. When engaging service-to-sales prospects by phone – or any other channel – it's important dealers remember what worked in the past won't necessarily work today. By proactively engaging service-to-sales customers and taking a customer-centric approach, dealers can turn routine service calls into valuable opportunities for customer engagement and sales growth Want to learn how Mastermind can help your dealership increase retention and drive sales through the service drive? Request a demo.

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