
CUSTOMER TOUCHPOINTS GUIDE: Engagement Opportunities Across Platforms

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CUSTOMER TOUCHPOINTS GUIDE: Engagement Opportunities Across Platforms OMNICHANNEL EXPERIENCE: Seamlessly integrating online and offline channels to provide customers with a cohesive and convenient experience throughout their buying journey. While the automotive industry has seen a significant shift towards digital retailing, dealers must not forget the basics. As customers continue to look for convenience, personalization and efficiency in their buying experiences, customer experience both online and inside the dealership showroom are key. STAGES AND TOUCHPOINTS A W A R E N E S S : Online: • Social media ads • Search, display and banner ads • Automotive blogs and review sites • Email marketing campaigns Offline: • TV and radio commercials • Print advertisements and billboards • Direct mail flyers and brochures • Outdoor displays and guerrilla marketing tactics (e.g., inflatable figures or eye- catching installations) Omnichannel: • Leverage predictive marketing technology to mine your CRM, CDP and other customer data to identify and engage customers via phone/email/text or while in the service drive. Providing a convenient and personalized omnichannel retail experience is no longer an option – it's the key to dealers' continued success. By optimizing their omnichannel customer experience, dealers can provide a seamless customer journey across all platforms, from online browsing to in-store purchases. This requires consistent, personalized and transparent communication across channels. To keep prospects engaged across channels, dealers need to meet buyers where they are, tailoring their approach to each buyer's individual needs, preferences and stage of the buying journey. Consider the following touchpoints and how they can be optimized to maintain engagement and deliver a seamless customer journey. Remember: Some touchpoints will also be omnichannel, straddling the line between online and in-person interactions.

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