Acquisition 201: Tips to Be Proactive
Vs. Reactive in Automotive Prospecting
Use Actionable Data to Drive Consumers' Behaviors
The first step in a proactive sales environment is identifying sales opportunities. The quicker your
technology tools can recognize that a consumer is well-positioned to re-enter the sales market, the
better your chances of engaging them proactively are, opposed to reacting to their behaviors.
Your best prospects are often people you can, with the help of
actionable data sources, identify as being likely to shop for a car soon –
even if they don't know it yet.
Whether it's a new job, a growing family, an approaching mileage
milestone or any other combination of factors, identifiable triggers are
likely to turn customers into sales leads. By recognizing the buying
triggers that precede the "research phase", dealers can engage
prospects who are not even exhibiting buying behaviors yet, but have
had a life event occur where household data can cue technology like
Market EyeQ
by Mastermind to begin to plant the seed in the
consumer's mind that now is the right time to buy a new vehicle.
From here, proactive dealership marketing can engage prospects
according to those insights with actionable and personalized offers.
These offers tap into those unique factors driving each prospect's
purchasing decision to automate marketing touchpoints that nurture
leads tailored to the channel, timing and messaging most likely to get them
to purchase.
The best techniques for both identifying and engaging automotive sales leads has evolved with the
rise of the digital and analytics revolution in our industry.
Today, dealers can move past a traditional reactive sales posture, aided largely by obsolete tools
and tactics like equity mining, into a more effective and proactive sales model that engages quality
leads with low-touch activity and high-volume returns – before buyers enter the sales cycle.
In this whitepaper, we share proactive automotive sales tips, including how to:
• Get ahead of prospects entering the buying journey with key insights into their behaviors
• Stay ahead of today's increasing number of online car shoppers
• Integrate proactive sales tactics into your customer retention strategy