
Omnichannel Dealership Checklist: Improving CX from Bricks to Clicks

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O M N I C H A N N E L D E A L E R S H I P C H E C K L I S T : But as an increasing number of buyers interact with dealers across channels, it's crucial for dealerships to bridge the gap between their websites and showroom. This means creating a cohesive omnichannel buying experience, leveraging the latest tools and maintaining consistency and personalization across every touchpoint. GET STARTED WITH THESE 5 STEPS TO SUCCESS: 1. Comprehensive Digital Retailing Strategy A seamless transition from online to in-store starts with a well-managed process from the top-down. Utilize real-time data to craft messages that resonate with buyers both online and offline. • Develop a top-down process that ensures a smooth transition from online to in-store experiences. • Optimize your website to improve user experience. i.e., mobile compatibility, real-time inventory updates, live chat and online credit applications. 2. Customer-Centric Approach Regardless of the buying channel, central to the success of any dealership is customer experience. From your marketing strategies to in-person interactions, keep the customer at the forefront of your approach. • Simplify customer experience by offering personalized, trustworthy interactions online and offline. • Avoid bait-and-switch offers to build trust with buyers. • Implement strategies to cut down time spent in the dealership, enhancing customer satisfaction. According to S&P Global Mobility's latest Vehicle Buyer Journey Study, 61% of U.S. consumers said the availability of an online transaction option influenced their purchase decision – but a majority still purchase at the dealership. 3. Staffing and Engagement People ultimately want to buy from people. Maintain a lean but efficient staff that is equipped to provide both in-person and online guidance, fostering genuine human connections in the sales process. • Plan staffing to cater to both online guidance and in-person interactions, without extending wait times at the dealership. • Focus on fostering genuine human connections across the sales process. Improving CX from Bricks to Clicks

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