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The 5 W’s of Auto Sales Prospecting

Discover how auto dealerships can utilize the 5 W’s to identify their best car buyer prospects, gain insight into prospects’ buying behaviors and successfully increase more car sales.

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The Five W’s – who, what, where, when and why – are widely considered the building blocks in any sort of information gathering or problem-solving scenario.

For example, journalists learn that a news story must quickly answer the “Five W” questions: “who, what, where, when and why?”

These questions have become the standard of analyzing circumstances since the great Greek philosopher Aristotle first asked them in the 3rd century B.C.

Just as reporters rely on these questions and answers to tell the story, and philosophers utilize them to understand human behavior, auto dealerships can utilize the 5 W’s to identify their best car buyer prospects, gain insight into prospects’ buying behaviors and successfully increase more car sales.

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